Sunday, February 26, 2012



Com.K. Venkatasubramaniam, President, AICAEA.  Com. Sitaram, Branch Secretary, T & N Branch,  and also the Asst. SecY. General, AICAEA, Com. Usman Basha, Asst.Secy.General, AICAEA  Category II, Com. Raju, Branch President, AICAEA,T & N Branch and Com. Manivasan, AAO  from Categroy II  visited Units situated at Chennai on 22d Feb. 

The Tamilnadu Branch had organised two Meetings in order to facilitate every one situated in that area to come and attend. One was organised at Rajaji Bhavan, Besent Nagar, Chennai where members of both Associations (including AAOs) of CPWD, Agriculture, Health & Home attended the meeting. It was a well attened meeting and the need for making the strike was explained. Com. Manivasan AAO and Com. V. Raju also addressed on behalf of the Branches of AICAEA and AICAEA CAT II. Further, during lunch hour, the COC, chennai had organised a lunch hour gate meeting at Rajaji Bhavan and leaders of COC Chennai attended the meeting. Com. Venkatasubramaniam addressed the gathering along with others.


The other meeting was organised at Sasthri Bhavan, Nungambakkam, Chennai. It was attended by the members of PAO, supply, PAO, HRD, PAO, Consumer Affairs.   All leaders persent in the meeting  explained the need for strike making the strike successful. Mrs. Jayanthi Udayakumar, PAO, Supply and Sh. Navaneetha Krishnan, PAO, Consumer Affairs attended the entire meetings. 



Com.K. Venkatasubramaniam, President, AICAEA.  Com. Sitaram, Asst. Secy. General, AICAEA and  Com. Ushman Basha, Asst.Secy.General, AICAEA  Category II  visited Bangalore on 23rd February 2012. Karnataka Branch had organised a meeting at Central Revenue Complex, Bangalore, during the lunch hours. Mostly members of both the Associations from CBEC & CBDT attended the meeting including the women members of AICAEA CATII.

The Meeting was addressed by com. Sitaram, Com. Basha and Venkatasubramaniam.The need of the unity and need of the strike was emphasised. Members present in the meeting assured that they shall ensure the success of the  strike. 

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