Sunday, April 7, 2013

17/2 – C, P & T Quarters, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi: - 110001

No: JAC/ Circular -03/2013                                                                  Dated: 4th April, 2013
            Chief Executive of Constituent Organizations     
            and Conveners, local JACs,

Dear Comrades,

                    Please refer to the apex JAC Circular -02/2013 dated 4th March 2013. The development on the directive of the Court on the matter of grant of benefit of higher pay scales effectively to the Accounts and Audit employees from 1-1-1996 instead of from 19-02-1003 was discussed in a sitting by the Chairman, Convener and Com.S.K.Vyas on 3rd April.

                    It has been finalized after the said discussion that-

1.       the apex level Joint Action Committee Shall immediately write a letter to the Secretary, Department of Expenditure requesting him to comply with the judgment passed by the courts including the apex court and issue the orders modifying the earlier orders that the upgradation of the pay scales for Accounts and Audit cadres shall actually effective from 01-01-1996 instead of from 19-02-2003.
2.      All constituents shall write similar letters to their respective departmental heads under intimation to JAC headquarters.
3.      A united stand shall be taken by the apex JAC and approach the court unitedly embracing all constituents of JAC.

                    The Copy of the letter issued by apex JAC to the Secretary, Department Expenditure is enclosed here with. Chief executives of all Constituents are requested to write letters to their respective heads of the organisation immediately, endorsing copy of the letter to JAC headquarters.

                    With warm greetings,


17/2 – C, P & T Quarters, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi: - 110001

No: JAC/ 03/2013                                                                                     Dated: 4thApril, 2013

            The Secretary,
            Department of Expenditure,
            Government of India,
            North Block,
            New Delhi.


            I enclose herewith copies of the following judgment on the issue of payment of arrears for the period from 01-01-1996 to 18-02-2013 arising due to upgradation of pay scale of Accountant/Auditor/ Sr. Accountant/Sr. Auditor onwards.

            1. WP(C).No. 22276 of 2007 (Z) of HC of Kerala
            2. Special Leave to Appeal (Civil)....../2013 CC 1997/2013, Supreme Court of India

            The Sr. Accountants/Auditors and others have also been denied the arrears for the above period and therefore, being similarly circumstanced the benefit of above judgement may also be accrued to the affected Sr. Acctt/Auditors and others.

            I therefore, request you to comply with the above judgment and sanction payment of arrears for the above period arising due to upgradation their pay scales and oblige.

            In order to comply with above judgement the order issued by vide F.No. 6/82/E.III (B)/91, MoF&CA, Deptt of Expenditure dated 28th February 2003 by the Secretary Department of Expenditure will have to be modified and instead of notional upgradation of the pay scales for the period from 01-01-1996 to 18-02-2013 shall have to be made effective upgradation.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Enclo : As above


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